Our monthly meeting was held on the 14th January 2025 at Coddington Village Hall.

Yet again it was very well attended.  We welcomed two new members and two visitors, our numbers are still increasing!

Our talk this month was by Stephen Gay, titled ‘Scenic  Britain by Rail’.

Stephen gave us a brilliant Slide show of his travels around Britain with his trusted German Shepherd, Mrawby!  Stephen and his dog would travel the country by train to his given location.   Often walking during the night to pitch up waiting for passing trains and locomotives, to take his photographs.  He showed us stunning views, trains, viaducts and train stations.  Many of which were in remote countryside!  His enthusiasm was infectious and his talk was full of fun and anecdotes!

The Swallows Walking Group had their final Christmas lunch at The Full Moon in Morton, and a good time was had by all.  The Swallows Walking Group, as we know it, will no longer exist.  W.I. member Nora Reed gave a little talk on how the group started, and how it grew to over 30 members.  A photo album was on display, showing walks and members on their days out.

Apart from that, things were a little quiet after our last meeting in December, obviously due to Christmas.  There was no coffee morning because it was too close to Christmas ,  but we will resume again on the 28th January at the YMCA cafe in Newark.

Our talk at our next meeting will be by Jean Townsend on Richard III and in February we have a trip planned to the Richard III Visitor Centre in Leicester.

There will be plenty of upcoming events to look forward to, we are in the process of organising summer and winter outings.  No doubt there will be quizzes and other events along the way.

Come and see what Coddington W.I. ladies ‘get up to’.  We really do have a good time.   We meet at Coddington Village Hall, on the second Tuesday of the month, starting at 2.00 pm.

Our next meeting is on the 11th February 2025.    New members are always welcome.

Jane Wright


Some pictures from our Christmas party


Getting ready for Christmas


We met at the Village Hall on the 10th December for our annual Christmas Party.  All members were invited and this year provided a ‘Faith’ lunch, and what a spread!  How generous was everybody!    The committee ensured that everyone had a variety of drinks.  The room was full of chat and laughter!

Sheila Bache, our president welcomed everybody and some returning visitors, it was lovely to see the Village Hall packed!

Every year we provide sweets and toiletries for the Women’s refuge, which is kindly delivered by one of our members.  The contributions filled a large car and boot thanks to everyone’s kind generosity.

Gill Southgate produced a hilarious and challenging quiz, providing much amusement and laughter.  Sheila read a ‘News bulletin’ about the mysterious goings on in the sky on the 24th December across the world!

Once we were all sated with the delicious food, we awaited the arrival of the choir formed by children from the local Coddington Primary School, with two of their teachers.   What a delight they were.  They sang with such enthusiasm and smiles all around.   This finished off what was a most enjoyable afternoon.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas,  and a peaceful and Happy 2025.  If you feel you may like to come along and see what we get up to, out next meeting is on the 14th January 2025 at Coddington Village Hall, 2pm to 4pm.  Our Speaker is Stephen Gay and he is giving a talk on ‘Scenic  Britain by Train.  Maybe we will see you!



Our monthly meeting was held on the 12th November 2024 at Coddington Village Hall.  Yet again it was very well attended, and the four visitors from last month were also present, which was lovely.

Our talk this month was given by Philip Braund titled ‘A Slight Misunderstanding’.

Philip took us through his career in Journalism, starting at the very bottom employed by local newspapers and his ultimate goal to work on National Newspapers.   He shared many amusing anecdotes on his ladder to achieve this, and later amazing reporting on such subjects as Drug Barons, National disasters, politics and even Princess Margaret.  He had us all enthralled!

Since our last meeting in October ….

Bridget and Robert Goodhall led The Swallows walking Group around Bassingham, followed by lunch at the Five Bells in Bassingham.  In November the Swallows walking Group will be enjoying a walk around Sherwood Forest, finishing with lunch at the Red Lion in Wellow.    December will finish the year with a Christmas Lunch.

Our WI Ladies have enjoyed Bingo, quizzes and other competitions.

The coffee morning on the 22nd October at the YMCA  was lively and well attended as usual.

There are plenty of upcoming events during December to look forward to, including carols and mince pies!   We have many trips planned for 2025.  It looks like another busy year!

The December meeting is our Annual Christmas lunch, at which our members are contributing to a ‘faith’ lunch.   A good time will no doubt be had!

Have a good month all, start thinking about writing Christmas cards and making lists.  It will be with us before we know it!

Come and see what Coddington WI ladies ‘get up to’.  We really have a good time.   Coddington Village Hall, second Tuesday of the month, starting at 2.00 pm.  New members are always welcome.

Jane Wright


The next meeting of Coddington WI will be on Tuesday 12th November, at 2pm in Coddington Village Hall.  You will be most welcome to join us,  you may be suprised how many people you would know from the village.  We look forward to welcoming you.



Our monthly meeting held on the 8th October at Coddington Village Hall, was once again very well attended.   We also welcomed 4 guests, who may join our happy band of members.

Our talk this month was given by Kevin Lennox about New Zealand’s North Island. Kevin took us on a scenic tour showing us slides of various places of interest, from the north of the island to the south.

The Central Plateau of North Island is the country’s geothermal heartland.  Rotorua is well-known for its geothermal activity with hot pots and mud pools providing ample opportunity to relax and soak away the day’s exertions.   Around the town are a wealth of geothermal fields to explore including the striking silica terraces at Orakei Korako and Te Puia Thermal Reserve a centre for Maori cultural encounters as well as geothermal wonders. While the coloured mud pools of Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland provide some of the most iconic sights in New Zealand’s North Island and is the home of Lady Knox geyser.

Many of us were left thinking, put it on the ‘Bucket List ‘ it’s certainly a country to visit.

Since our last meeting in September, we have enjoyed our day trip to Buckingham Palace, a Pie and Pea Bingo evening, where some of our ladies won cash prizes, also an inter WI Rummikub games night.

We heard how successful the Coffee Morning at the YMCA was, very lively by all accounts. Our intrepid members of the Swallows walking group, went for a walk around the Winthorpe area and met for lunch at the Lord Nelson, Winthorpe.

Below are some of the photos taken on our trip to Buckingham Palace.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 12th November at Coddington Village Hall between  2 pm and 4pm.

Our guest speaker has titled their talk, ‘A Slight Misunderstanding’. Your guess is as good as mine!

Sheila Bache



The WI meeting held on the 9th September  was very well attended with 38 members present. It was lovely to see everyone again after the summer holidays.

Our business highlighted up and coming events, The Trip to Buckingham Palace, The County Lunch, and quiz nights to name but a few.  Two of our members told us how they had enjoyed a Glider experience, via WI.  See photos of Gill and Angela getting ready for take off.

Unfortunately we lost a long time standing member of our WI,  Pat Hemminhway, in the last few weeks.  Pam McVay spoke about Pat’s time with the WI, what she had done, and instigated, within the group. Pat was well known for writing a ‘little Ditty’ and one of these was read to members. We held a 1 minute silence to remember her.

Our guest speaker was Mo Cooper, who is a Community Historian and Heritage manager based in Nottingham. Mo spoke about
The Good, the Bad and the Reality. The talk was about well known and Notable women in Nottingham.
The Good – Florence Annie Boot, nee Rowe,1863-1952 also known as Lady Boot, Baroness Trent of Nottingham, wife of Jesse Boot. Florence was a major support to Jesse. One of the first things she did was to persuade Jesse to expand the Boots range beyond pills and potions. She established what became known as no.2 department, which sold beauty products, gifts, books, magazines, art supplies and picture frames. She also set up a book lending library in shops and over 35 million books changed hands. Did you know this?

The Good – Mary Potter 1847-1913
Founded the Sisters of The Little Company of Mary in Nottingham 1877 in Hyson Green. The sisters worked tirelessly to help the plight of the poor and destitute in the area. Today you will find various centres, Clinics, Doctors, Pharmacy and Dental services. Mary died April 1913, in Rome.  In1988, Pope John Paul 11 declared Mother Mary Potter “Venerabe”. In 1997, her body was returned to England and she now rests in the Cathedral of St Barnabas, Nottingham.
Both these ladies are worth a Google.

The Bad – Queen Isabella
The She-Wolf of France. Married to Edward 11 of England. Her husband became notorious for promoting his favourites, causing unrest among the nobility. Isabella went to France where she met Roger Mortimer. They joined forces, returned to England captured the King and put his young son Edward 111 on the throne. It is believed Roger and Isabella were lovers. Edward 111 used what we now know as Mortimer’s Hole to capture his mother. The legend says that the ghost of Isabella – still haunts the Castle today.

The Bad ? – Eileen Casey 1880-1972
Did she try to blow up King George V on a visit to Nottingham in1914?  Police found her with a box containing 20ft of fuse wire, a detonator and five quarter pounds of cheddite along with other items. Her real name was Irene Casey a  militant Suffregatte.

The Reality:
Many women in and around Nottingham have done exceptional deeds, many are not known and not so famous. Not everyone made it into the history books, but we do know from history, that the women of Nottingham had hard times both at home with back to back housing, working conditions, and very little money. Some mothers had to send their young children out to work at the age of 5 years to pay the rent and put food on the table. Health of many residents in slum housing caused many health issues.
Ladies like Lady Florence Boot and the Venerable Mother Mary Potter, were two that tried to help as best they could.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 8th October.
Coddington Village Hall 2pm to 4pm.
Our guest speaker will be talking about New Zealand, North Island.
You will be made most welcome, do come along.

Sheila Bache






The WI meeting held on 13th August was a less formal affair.

A short business meeting to deal with correspondence, informed us that the Nottinghamshire’s WI Headquarters at County House in Newark, had been sold. New premises are being sort.

The remainder of the afternoon was then given over to playing indoor ‘kurling’, followed with tea and cake. The afternoon sped by, and was enjoyed by all.


The July meeting held on Tuesday 9th July was very well attended, considering Wimbledon is in full flow this week. Thank you for coming.

Our usual business was addressed, with emphasis on a new system to be put into place to encourage our members to attend and enjoy the various County events.  A Gliding Experience,  Rummikub competitions, Darts, Summer Lunch to name but a few.
The meeting was completed in record time to enable us to enjoy our guest Speaker. Alan Gray an ex Wimbledon Referee.
Alan told us how he first became involved in tennis, from the age of 8, and how he progressed to becoming a Referee.
His career as a Referee spanned over 20 years.     He gave us a few facts from the early years.
The first ladies singles winner back in the 1960’s was awarded a £20 voucher.  The mens singles winner was awarded a £25 voucher. which could only be spent on tennis equipment.  Today the winners get £2 million + What a difference. Coaching to players from their spectators box was not allowed, a few years ago, although some tried to coach. Today it is allowed.
A few stories  followed about some of the famous players, made for a very funny and enjoyable afternoon.

Our competition this  month was make something using a tennis ball, of course.

Our current President, presented our outgoing President, Gill Southgate with a gift from all members thanking her for her dedication to Coddington WI, over many years.

We ended the afternoon with tea and cake, and our usual friendly chatter.

Why not come and join us.   Our next meeting is on Tuesday 13th August when we will be trying our hand at Kurling.
Meetings take place in Coddington Village Hall from 2pm to 4pm.

You will be made very welcome.



The WI had a  water and wine, and cake stall at the Summer Fete.   The stall made £169 which will go to WI Funds.   Many members volunteered to help on the stall during the day.



The June meeting held on Tuesday 11th June was very well attended with an almost ‘Full House’.

Sheila, our President, informed members that at the Annual Meeting of the National Federation of Women’s Institute, that the resolution for 2024, was to lobby the Government to make NHS dentistry more widely available to one and all. The vote was 93% in favour.  This was very well received because we had all unanimously agreed this at our last month’s meeting.

The Swallow walking group had a good couple of days in Norfolk, although the weather could have been better. However it did not stop this intrepid group having a good time.

Our guest speaker’s this month were Joanne a staff worker and Sharon a volunteer from Beaumond House Hospice Care, Newark.
We were given a most enlightening talk on the work of the Hospice.
One very important message they wished to  explain is that the Hospice is not an ‘End of Life’ establishment, rather a place to ‘Live your Life’.
It was explained that the cost of running the house was £2.2m per year, most of which had to be fundraised.   Beaumond House is not financed by the NHS, and the Government contribute only a fraction of the cost.   The fundraising is a vital part to ensure they can continue to give the care and support to those that need it, not just patients but their families too.
Anyone in the Newark and Sherwood District area is eligible to use the hospice for day care or if required a room in the house.
I personally came away from the meeting thinking more people need to be aware of the work they do.

Our competition this month was a flower arrangement in and egg cup, yes an egg cup.  A beautiful array of entries were received. It is amazing what can be achieved. Well done to those that entered.

The meeting closed and then all enjoyed social chat and a good cup of tea and cake provided by our amazing hostesses for June.

If you would like to come and see what we do, please feel free to come along to Coddington Village Hall on Tuesday 9th July at 2pm.   You will be given a very warm welcome.



A good number of our membership; attended the meeting held on 14th May.  We usually have a speaker, however, this month we did not,   Gill our President, read the WI Federation resolution for this year which is

“There is a chronic shortage of NHS dentists and people are suffering as a result.   The NFWI (National Federation of Women’s Institute) calls on the Government to increase Investment in the training and retention of dentists and to review the current inadequate NHS contracts in order to ensure everyone can access an NHS dentist wherever they live.”

This was discussed and a vote taken to either support or not support this resolution;   We voted unanimously to go forward and support the resolution.   The NFWI will debate and vote at the Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall on 5th June.

The Swallow walking group will set off on the 21st May, this being its annual trip to Norfolk for a two-day walking break.

Members were informed our next coffee morning at the YMCA will be on Tuesday 28th May.   These are very well attended and loved by all.   Plenty of laughter, chatting not to mention the lovely coffee and cake.

The meeting was then closed.



The Annual Meeting was opened by the President.  Members were asked and invited to join the Committee for 2024/2025.

A Trustee report was given by Sue our Secretary, a Treasurers Financial Statement was given by Pam, and the President’s report for 2023/2024 came from Gill.

It is at the Annual Meeting that nominations for President for the year 2024/2025 were asked for from all the membership.   A vote was taken and nominations were received.   It was announced by the Teller, Eithne that Sheila Bache would be the new President.    Gill, our current President, had declared that she would not stand again.   Gill has done a wonderful job over the last 3 years  She was given thanks by all for a job well done.

The annual meeting was then closed.

After the meeting, the raffle was drawn and afternoon tea and cake was served by the hostesses.    There was a competition for best home-made dips. This was all accompanied by a good old chat.

Our next meeting is on 11th June when our guest speaker will be from Beaumond House.   You are most welcome to come along as a guest for 2.00 pm in Coddington Village Hall.


With a gale blowing around the Village Hall, it was great to see so many members, new members and a visitor at our April meeting. We are slowly getting back to the number of members we had before Covid struck and, hopefully, some of our more recent members will volunteer to join our Committee when we have our AGM in May.

We were entertained by Bob and Dinah Wilcox, plus two of their colleagues, who, dressed appropriately, and in character, related Tales from the Workhouse. It was fascinating to learn so much about what the Workhouse did and how it operated. It was certainly better that people turned to the Workhouse, rather than ‘going on the parish’, although workhouse life was spartan.

We were reminded that our annual membership fee, £48 this year, was due and our Treasurer was swamped with members paying their subs.

Our next meeting is on May 14th, 1.30 for 2.0 pm and is our AGM. Guests are always welcome.


Our March, 2024 meeting celebrated our W.I.’s 90th Birthday, and it was great to see the Village Hall full of members, old and new.

After trying to complete a quiz comprising conundrums about sweets, committee members circulated dispensing drinks, and in no time we were ready to demolish the buffet. In addition to a variety of hot dishes, salads and glorious desserts, special diets were catered for with vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options. The raffle proved popular, with a vast variety of prizes, which ensured that as many members as possible won a prize.

Birthday parties take a lot of planning and hard work, and the committee always does a wonderful job. All we members have to do is turn up! Through joining the W.I., friendships are forged that can last a lifetime and it’s good to be able to catch up with each other.

This report wouldn’t be complete without mentioning our Treasurer, Pam McVay. Being Treasurer isn’t an easy job, and Pam has been working away for us for twenty years now, ensuring our accounts and paperwork are always up to date, and the committee had clubbed together to get her a gift, of an Azalea plant for her garden  as a small way of showing their gratitude.

The afternoon ended with birthday cake, made and iced by two members with tea and coffee. The perfect end to a lovely afternoon.

The Coddington WI Committee with Helen Ainley, Chair of the WI Support Team Nottinghamshire.   Our Committee members are (Left to Right) Sue Sprigings, Sheila Bache, Jan Phillips, Helen Ainley, Gill Southgate (President), Diane Everitt, Jan Burton and Pam McVay.   Unfortunately  Kate Handbury was unable to attend the 90th Birthday Celebration.

Our 90th Birthday Cake



Quinton Quale, the speaker at our February meeting, talked to us about drones, and how they can be used for a great variety of reasons to enhance our modern world. They certainly seem to be the future.

Our monthly walk, led by Bridget and Robert Goodall round Stapleford Woods, will be followed by lunch at the Five Bells at Bassingham. WI members’ partners are always made welcome on these walks.

Our monthly coffee morning at the YMCA in Bowbridge Road, has proved to be a great success, and gives us time to catch up with each other while eating cakes. Chat and cakes, the perfect combination.

In March we celebrate our 90th Birthday. The WI has survived world war, rationing, covid, strikes and recessions, changes of government and the death of two monarchs. We have adapted to change and in 2024 are as relevant as we’ve ever been. An organisation run by women for women. The resolutions going forward to our Annual General Meeting this year are – Dental Health Matters; The Impact of Poor Housing Conditions; and Say ‘no’ to gambling advertising. A final vote will be taken at our national AGM and will be used to lobby government.

If you fancy joining us, please come along to one of our meetings, 2pm on the second Tuesday in the month, at the Village Hall. We look forward to welcoming you.


Coddington WI hosted a talk by Professor Sir Jonathan Van Tam on Monday 22nd January in the Coddington Community Centre.   All proceeds from the evening will be donated to Beaumond House, Newark.   We raised £600 in ticket sales and £323 on the raffle.    Together with the donation buckets a grand total of  £971.50 will be given to Beaumond House

The former Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, agreed to share with us some facts about “Science, Policy and Leadership during Covid 19.   He very generously drew no fee,  but specifically asked that any monies raised could
benefit Beaumont House.

President Gill Southgate welcomed everybody who enjoyed a most informative lecture and a question and answer session.


Eight members of Coddington W.I. attended the Notts Federation Burns Lunch at the Hostess Restaurant near Sookholme, Mansfield



The  sun shone on our January meeting, with over forty members and one visitor present. As usual committee members have been busy organising the monthly walk, a talk by Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam and our monthly coffee morning.  Professor Van-Tam has kindly waived any fee for his talk and all proceeds will go to Beaumond House Hospice. There will, additionally, be a raffle at the event and a member has already donated a large cross stitch framed picture of kittens and we are still accepting donations of additional prizes.

Our January speaker was Dave Moylan, who jogged our memories with songs, stories and magic tricks, and it was good to hear members laughing as he told a fund of jokes, interspersed with magic tricks and music.

Please feel free to come to one of our meetings as a visitor, there is no obligation to join if the WI is not for you. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 13th February, 1.30 for 2 pm. Why not give us a try?



We met on 12th December at the Village Hall for our annual Christmas Party. Each year the Committee produce a buffet and circulate offering various drinks. We members can just sit, eat and chat and enjoy the afternoon.

Every year we provide sweets and toiletries for the Women’s Refuge, which are delivered by one of our members, and this year we seemed to have managed to get together a bumper haul!

Gill Southgate, our President, welcomed everyone and commented that our numbers were increasing steadily, as we slowly recovered from the covid epidemic. There was a positive feeling in the air that Coddington W.I. was beginning to thrive again.

Sheila Bache had devised two fiendishly difficult quizzes, or perhaps it was just our table that couldn’t get the answers right . Our table was directly in front of the buffet and when it was our turn to be served, I tried not to look too eager as my eyes took in all the different things on offer.

Once we were well fed and had caught up with everyone’s news, there was one final surprise.  Suddenly a crocodile of children accompanied by two teachers arrived, and we were entertained by a choir of pupils from Coddington School. Although some of the children looked nervous, they sang extremely well, accompanied on the piano by one of their teachers. It was a lovely ending to a lovely afternoon, and the choir had been the high spot of the party. Our thanks go to everyone from Coddington School who made the entertainment possible.

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and a joyous 2024, and if you feel like getting a feel for what the W.I. is all about our next meeting is on 9th January at 3 pm in the Village Hall. Our speaker is Dave Moylan who is giving us a talk on Variety Entertainment. Perhaps we’ll see you there.



41 people attended our November meeting. Numbers are slowly rising to a pre-covid number, and it was good to see new members and returning members.

Our Secretary, Sue Spriggings, read out forthcoming events. These included our National Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall next May, and Coddington W.I.’s walking holiday in Norfolk setting off on 21st May. We also, of course, have our monthly walking group, this month led by Gill and Colin Southgate when members and partners can explore the grounds of Belton House plus lunch at The Stag at Barkston , and a coach trip to Thursford before Christmas arranged by Sheila Bache. Members are able to bring partners along when we organise an outside event.

Pam McVey, our Treasurer, told us that the raffle raised £35.50 and £15.95 had been collected to go towards the W.I.’s national scheme that raises money so that women overseas can be helped to support their families through small village initiatives.

Members will also be providing mince pies and cupcakes for Carols around the Christmas tree on 13th December.

Our Christmas Party in the Village Hall is on 12th December, with an earlier start time of 1 pm, and children from Coddington Village School are coming to sing to us.

Our afternoon ended with Louise from Bells and Blooms showing us how to make a Christmas wreath. Louise kindly donated the wreath to add to the raffle prizes.



At our October meeting more members attended than at any time since the outbreak of Covid. The move to having meetings in the afternoons has proved popular with our members and avoids us having to venture out on cold winter evenings.

Our pre-arranged speaker had to cancel at short notice, so we were delighted when Jill Berry, a local author, agreed to step in. Jill, who publishes on Amazon, gave us an insight into the life of an author and gave short readings from her three published novellas. After questions from the audience, she signed copies of her book, and she has promised to deliver further copies to allow more members to buy a copy.

At our November meeting Louise, from Bells and Blooms, will be demonstrating how to make a Christmas wreath.  Why not come along as a visitor? Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month in the Village Hall and start at 2 pm. You can come for a couple of times before deciding whether you want to join. A warm welcome awaits you.



Our August meeting centred on our attempts to master Kurling. If you’re wondering how we managed in an ice free Village Hall, we simply used the wooden floor. Although Kurling appeared not to be too difficult, once we started playing we realised there was more to it than we’d thought. Members who played short mat bowls were able to master Kurling without too much trouble, the rest of us soon realised that there was more to Kurling than met the eye. However, it was a great way to spend the afternoon and gave us all a chance to laugh at ourselves and have fun.

On 12th September Pam Chard is speaking to us about the New Life Children’s Charity in Gambia. Why not come along as a visitor? As usual our meetings start at 2 pm in Coddington Village Hall and new faces are always welcome. Hope to see you there.


Sheila Bache, standing in for Gill Southgate, welcomed two visitors and one new member to our July meeting.  Sheila encouraged everyone to speak to the person next to them, which gave longstanding members the chance to talk to our newer members. We now have forty-two members, so are gradually building our numbers following Covid.

Members had enjoyed a coach trip to Crich Tramway Museum, and the planning for a trip to Thursford later in the year was well under way.

The Secretary brought us up to date on forthcoming W.I. events throughout the County, and our own local events. And the Treasurer listed the amounts raised at the June meeting from our raffle, sales table and Pennies for Friendship collection.

Our speaker was Sue Smith, who runs 7th Heaven Hedgehog Rescue, and we’re hopefully now prepared for any ‘hedgehoggy’ eventuality!

Our next meeting is on 8th August, 2pm at Coddington Village Hall. We’re going to try our hand at Kurling! Hopefully this will be easier than axe throwing. Time will tell.



A visit to the Crich Tramway Village in Derbyshire was enjoyed by 40 members of Coddington WI and quests on the 14th June.  Some members of our party had been to Crich before, many years ago. The Tramway Village has grown over the years and now has many refurbished trams from all over the country, which are housed in exhibition sheds.  Stories of their previous life in some of our cities are explained.  Many of us enjoyed a ride on one of the trams. Our fare was one old penny, issued with our entrance fee, the clippy on the tram issued us a  ticket and off we went up the line. On route we could see the picnic and play areas plus a beautiful woodland walk and sculpture trail.
The village has the Red Lion Pub, a Tea Shop,
Sweetie and Ice cream parlour, where many enjoyed their delights on what was a lovely warm day.

Here are some pictures of our day.





Our June meeting at the Village Hall started with our President, Gill Southgate, thanking the members who had organised the annual walking holiday. These annual breaks have proved a great success over the years and are open to members and their partners.

Sue Sprigings, our Secretary, outlined the events that Nottingham Federation are currently organising.  These included a day making something in willow, and axe throwing! Well, nobody can say that Women’s Institute members aren’t versatile.

Sheila Bache, who is organising our trips, gave out final information about the trip to Crich the following day, and the arrangements for our trip to Thursford later in the year.

Speaker, Helen Barrow, spoke to us about lip reading. I came away with lots of ideas I can put into practice, plus I now know that hearing aids are very popular with W.I. members!

Next meeting, on 11th July, we have Sue Smith talking about 7th Heaven Hedgehog Rescue. Hedgehog numbers seem to be much depleted, so it will be good to see how they are rescued and then, when fully recovered, reintroduced to the wild.

If you fancy learning about hedgehog rescue, why not come along to our next meeting. 2 p.m. Tuesday 11th.

You’ll be very welcome.




 Our Spring meeting in February saw John Whitfield speak to us about Louis and Edwina Mountbatten. John has been to us before, and, as usual, his talk was fascinating and informative. The competition for the February meeting was to bring along a childhood photo, and our photographs raised a lot of smiles. Had we ever been that young? Were we really so old?  The answer, of course, to both questions was ‘Yes’.

The March meeting saw us celebrating our 89th Birthday, with a buffet, desserts and, of course, birthday cake. The Notts Federation Chairman, Helen, came along to join in the celebration and, of course, to cut the cake! We were also joined by several W.I. members from across the County. Sheila Bache had devised two quizzes, one specifically about the W.I. Several of us realised, when the answers were read out, that we didn’t know as much about the W.I. as we thought we did! Note to self, ‘must do better’.

At the April meeting our speaker was Lynne Carter, who gave us a talk on quilting, and enthused us with her skill. Many of our members are quilting enthusiasts and the monthly competition asked members to bring along a piece of work to be judged.

Towards the end of March, we held a coffee morning at Hardy’s Farm Shop. Getting together outside of Monthly meetings gives us a chance to do two of the things most of us like, chatting and eating incredible cakes.

Sheila Bache is now finalising the details of two trips. One to The National Tramway Museum at Crich in June, and another to The Thursford Christmas Spectacular at the end of the year. Our trips are open to husbands, partners relatives and friends, some from other W.I.’s in Nottinghamshire.

Our regular W.I. meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. in Coddington Village Hall. If you want to give us a try why not come as a guest and see if you like what’s on offer. Guests can come up to three times per year and each visit costs £4 including refreshments. Hope to see you soon.



The Coronation Big Lunch on the Coddington Primary School Playing Field on the afternoon of 7 May 2023.

The WI raised £120 which will go towards the school library.



On Tuesday 14th March, Coddington W.I. celebrated its 89th Birthday at the Village Hall. This year we decided to have the event in the afternoon, with a meal and dessert, followed, of course, by birthday cake. We were fortunate to have Dr Helen Rose, Chairman of the Notts Federation of Women’s Institutes, as our guest, as well as members from a neighbouring W.I.. Sheila Bache had produced two quizzes, one specifically about the W.I., and we gamely tried to answer the questions, although some groups of members were more successful than others!

We are fortunate in having a committee and group of members who keep our W.I. ticking over, headed by our President Gill Southgate, who is pictured watching Dr Rose cut our birthday cake. The Village Hall has been ‘home’ to Coddington W.I. for many years, and hopefully we’ll still be going strong in our centenary year, eleven years from now!

Lesley Walker



On Wednesday 2nd November some 46 members of the Coddington Women’s Institute, their husbands and friends made a trip to the National Memorial Arboretum near Stoke-on-Trent.   Although the weather was a bit on the cold side, the rain held off right until the last minute and only started as we boarded the bus to come home.

Thank you to Sheila Bache who organised this fantastic day out.  Where are we going next Sheila?