By the time you read this, the modernisation and refurbishment of the toilets, including complete upgrading of the disabled toilet facilities, will be nearing completion.  The project has been a long time in the planning process, with deliberations made far more difficult due to spiralling costs of both materials and labour since the Pandemic.

We were fortunate to have been awarded funding of £7,500 towards the project by Nottinghamshire County Council and this, together with prudent management of resources, meant we were finally in the position to commence the works in May.

The hall stayed very much open for business during the process and bookings remained steady, with the addition of a new weekly Youth Choir adding to the list of opportunities already on offer.

Looking to the future, and to raise much-needed funds for the Village Hall, we have some exciting events coming up.  Following the highly-successful Murder/Mystery evening a couple of years ago, I’m delighted to announce that we will be having Fernwood Amateur Dramatics back with us again on Friday 9th August, giving us another chance to play detective and decide “whodunnit”.   Please do look out for posters and come along and join in the fun.

The fund-raising quiz night we held in March was a huge success and following several requests, we will be holding another quiz night on Saturday 7th September.  Posters will be displayed advertising this event nearer the time.

Meanwhile, the day-to-day maintenance of the Hall goes on with a dedicated team of volunteers, but more help is always needed. If you’d like to get involved and have a little time to spare we’d love to welcome you.  Please contact us for further details.

Maggie George
